Silver and Gold
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Tuesdays are OK because they aren’t Mondays and they don’t have the audacity of Wednesdays. Plus tacos. And, in fact, I’m going to be eating tacos shortly with some lovely ladies from my bible study. Well, maybe tacos…I’ll have to look at the menu first, of course. There’s no rule that says you HAVE to order tacos just because it’s Tuesday. I’ll update you tomorrow on my final decision regarding this pressing matter. I know you’ll be refreshing the page frequently in anticipation…
…Aaaaaand I lied. I wasn’t able to finish this post before I left for dinner, so now I’m back from dinner… Awkward silence I wasn’t actually planning on writing about what I ordered tonight for tomorrow’s post, but now it seems like I should at least mention it…I had tacos. They were delicious…
But more importantly than what I ate was the wonderful company I had the pleasure of enjoying. Tonight’s coming together was kind of incredible actually. It started with a Facebook post yesterday and ended with eight of us showing up to dinner. Eight! I can’t get more than four people to show up to my cat’s birthday party with plenty of advanced notice…though that may be for different reasons…Anyway…We had such a great time. What I love about this group is that we’re actually making an effort to get together outside of our bible study. It’s nice to have the opportunity to get to know the women I spill my guts to every other Tuesday night. And I honestly cannot wait to get to know them better.
And now, I leave you with a song that I find entirely applicable to this topic…Ahem…
“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.”