Mid-Year Reflections
Hey, everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic past few days. Can you believe it’s already August? Where has this entire year gone? People are already starting to talk about Fall like it’s practically here, though technically summer isn’t even halfway through yet. However, I too am looking forward to Fall. Nothing beats cozy sweaters and pumpkin-flavored everything. And despite the rain these past two weekends, the weekdays have been unbearably warm recently….at least in my apartment. Every morning, I’m pretty much sweating before I even walk out the door. Too much information? Sorry…
Summer just doesn’t seem to have the same allure as it did during childhood, when summer meant no school, spending your days at the pool, and getting to play outside ’til nearly 8:00pm because that’s how late it stayed light out. Now it just means I have trouble sleeping because it’s so hot, even during the night and I have no desire to cook dinner if it involves turning the oven on. (Did not intend for this to be a rant…) Nevertheless, traffic is definitely better, my skin appreciates the warmth, and it is nice having a few extra hours of daylight.
Anyway, all this to say, this year has gone by so fast! Pretty soon, Target will be playing Christmas songs and selling fake trees. (Seriously though, I think they start doing this before Halloween nowadays.) So far, I’m definitely happy with the way 2014 has gone. It’s been a year of many blessings and I’m so thankful for all of it…even if I complain about the weather every now and then…
Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic evening!