Observing the Sabbath
By the time this past weekend rolled around, I literally could not think back far enough to a time when I didn’t have to set a morning alarm. This thought depressed me beyond all comprehension, so I decided it was of utmost importance that I “take a day.” So this is me, admitting to all of you that I deliberately skipped church yesterday, in order to have just ONE day for myself. To atone for this great sin, I doubled the length of my morning quiet time. Plus Sunday IS the day of rest, so I figured God would understand.
In order to properly celebrate this precious day of relaxation, I slept in until like 8:15. What?! Getting all kinds of crazy up in here! I also pretty much wore pajamas the whole day, with the exception of a quick run to the store. (Wearing PJs to the store just feels too college to me…even though I didn’t do it in college either.) For breakfast, I made David and I Belgian Waffles, topped with strawberries, bananas, powdered sugar, and real maple syrup. It was divine.
We basically spent the rest of the day doing nothing. I got precisely zero chores done, though I consider preservation of sanity a highly productive activity.
I hope you all had as lazy a weekend as I did. Thank you for reading!