Week's End

Happy Friday, ya’ll! David is gone this weekend, celebrating a friend’s bachelor party, so last night we enjoyed a quiet evening together. And the party’s in Mexico, so it might have been our LAST evening together…KIDDING! I have no doubt he’ll make it home safe and sound.

So, we thought, what better way to celebrate a rare evening with no social obligations than to veg out on the couch with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and season one of How I Met Your Mother?! (Don’t lie. You’re re-watching the series too.)  So, that is exactly what we did!

And tonight I’m having some serious Chelsea time and trust me, guys, it’s been amazing. To kick off my evening alone, I went to Trader Joes and bought some flowers because, let’s be honest, a house is just homier with fresh flowers. And I was so excited when the cashier asked me if the two giant bouquets of flowers I was purchasing were for me because she obviously just GETS it.

When I came home, I drew a hot bath for myself, but not before applying an avocado, oatmeal and clay facial mask. I’m telling you, guys, serious Chelsea time in the works…I then gave myself a pedicure with this awesome OPI color I picked up called Miami Beet. And I’m currently finishing the evening with more HIMYM. See how everything comes full circle?

Hope you lovely darlings are kicking off your weekend with a BANG! Or…you know…at least a bang.