Why Go It Alone?

OK, guys, confession time: I’m not God. Confession time, part 2: I’m not good at trying to be God. (You know, it feels good to get that off of my chest.)

Let me explain. So today, I woke up feeling fairly refreshed (a huge win in my book because I’m pretty much always tired). I got out of bed, brewed some coffee, had some good time in the Word, put on my prettiest outfit, made a nutritious breakfast that included a banana smoothie, and even had time to sit down at the table to enjoy it with David. Perfect morning, right?! I was flying high.

Then Tuesday morning at the office after a three-day weekend happened…aaaaaand cue engine failure. Mayday! Mayday! Now, I don’t want to bore you with the details of it all, since it mostly just involved me responding to emails for like eight hours straight, but I pretty much unnecessarily made the weight of the world my own personal fashion accessory today. The word to circle there is “unnecessarily,” because it’s an important one.

Do you guys ever find yourself doing that? Trying to take on WAY more than you can handle or, for that matter, need to handle? You try to go it alone and by the end of it, you’re huffing and puffing and wondering why you feel so overwhelmed and yet have accomplished so little? I’m sure this is a completely unfamiliar (read: familiar) phenomenon to many of you. But every single time, without fail, once I’ve had a moment to take a step back from a situation like this, I find myself remembering that I was never meant to do it alone. ANY of it!

It’s amazing what prayer and fresh perspective will do for you. But seriously, guys, I cannot overstate this: we can literally do NOTHING without God! That stuff that you think you do on your own? Hate to break it to you, but that’s God. And trust me, I’m the worst offender. I sometimes like to believe that I’m wonder woman, capable of anything and everything. And then days like today happen and I’m reminded that even a few emails (literally just words on a screen!) can turn me into a useless pile of mush. Luckily, God is there to mop me up. (This analogy may have gone horribly wrong.)

The point is, please know that you don’t have to do life all on your own. Things become a whole lot less daunting when you recognize that God is there, advocating for you, giving you strength, peace, patience, energy, and all of those wonderful things that help get us through the day.

“With (wo)man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

Thanks for reading! J-Chelz out ;)